Mathematical Poetry at Bridges

    Bridges Conferences

The poetry readings at the Bridges conferences present a range of mathematical poetry from traditional to multimedia and from lyrical to visual. The programs start with a number of invited readings, followed by an open mic period.
Bridges participants are encouraged to read their own mathematical poems at open mic. Interested? Please contact Sarah Glaz by email or in person at the conference.
More information at: Call for Open Mic Poems!

Bridges Poetry Anthologies
  new  Attention, poetry lovers! Free access to pdf files of the Bridges Poetry Anthologies is now available online. Click on the cover image of each collection for more information.
Bridges 2013 Poetry Anthology
Brisges 2016 Poetry Anthology
Bridges 2018 Poetry Anthology
Bridges 2020 Poetry Anthology
Bridges 2021 Fib Collection
Bridges 2023 Poetry Anthology Cover
Bridges 2023 Clerihew Collection

Bridges Poetry Readings

To check the poetry program at each Bridges conference click on the links below the conference's location image.

green ball Bridges Richmond 2024
Richmond, Virginia, USA, August 1-5, 2024


Bridges 2024 Poetry Reading Site
 The program and the poets
Bridges 2024 announcement and cento at: Intersections -- Poetry with Mathematics

 green ball Bridges Halifax 2023
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 27-31, 2023


Bridges 2023 Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets

Bridges 2023 Poetry Anthology
Bridges 2023 announcement and cento at: Intersections -- Poetry with Mathematics
Mathematical Graffiti: Bridges 2023 Clerihew Collection,
Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, July 2024
green ball Bridges Aalto 2022
Helsinki and Espoo, Finland, August 1-5, 2022



Bridges 2022 Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets

greenball Bridges 2021
Virtual Conference, August 1-4, 2021
Due to the pandemic the Bridges organization was not able to hold the in-person conference planned for Aalto and Helsinki Universities in August 2021.
The conference and its mathematical poetry reading became virtual.

Espoo Panorama

Bridges 2021 Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets: Including links to the videos of the Bridges 2021 Virtual Poetry Reading
Poetry in the Glade: Bridges 2021 Fib Collection, Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, January 2022

green ball  Bridges 2020
Virtual Conference, August 1-5, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Bridges organization was not able to hold the Bridges Conference planned for Aalto and Helsinki Universities in August 2020.
The mathematical poetry reading that was scheduled to be held on Sunday, August 2 became virtual.

Helsinki panorama

Bridges 2020 Virtual Conference: Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets: Including links to the videos of the Bridges 2020 Virtual Poetry Reading
Bridges 2020 Poetry Anthology
For a beautifully printed poetry anthology, which does justice to its contents, we recommend purchasing the Bridges 2020 Poetry Anthology Premier version.
Bridges Poets' Anniversary Year News 

green ball Bridges Linz 2019
Linz, Austria, July 16-20, 2019

Linz panorama

Bridges Linz Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets

green ball  Bridges Stockholm 2018
Stockholm, Sweden, July 25-29, 2018


Bridges Stockholm Poetry Reading Site 
The program and the poets
Bridges 2018 Poetry Anthology

green ball Bridges Waterloo 2017
Waterloo, Canada,  July 27-31, 2017


Bridges Waterloo Poetry Reading Site
The program and the poets
A cento from Bridges 2017 poets at: Intersections -- Poetry with Mathematics

green ball Bridges Jyvaskyla 2016

Jyvaskyla, Finland, August 9-13, 2016

Jyvaskyla Panorama

Bridges Jyvaskyla Poetry Day Site
The program and the poets
 Bridges 2016 Poetry Anthology

  green ball Bridges Baltimore 2015
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, July 29-August 1, 2015


Bridges Baltimore Poetry Day Site
The program and the poets

green ball Bridges Seoul 2014

Seoul, Korea, August 14-19, 2014


Bridges Seoul Poetry Day Site
The program and the poets
The virtual reading on YouTube:
Commentary on the video  by JoAnne Growney   

ball  Bridges Enschede 2013
Enschede, The Netherlands, July 27-31, 2013


Bridges Enschede Poetry Day Site
  About the Coordinator and the Invited Poets
  The Program
 Two Announcements at Intersections -- Poetry with Mathematics: First and Second
Bridges 2013 Poetry Anthology
Photo Gallery

ball  Bridges Towson  2012
   Towson, Maryland, USA, July 25-29, 2012 

bridges 2912
Bridges Towson Poetry Day Program and Poets' Bios
         An unusual advertising:  A snowball poem by JoAnne Growney
JMA REPORT: Mathematical Poetry at Bridges 2012 by Emily Grosholz

ball  Bridges Coimbra  2011
Coimbra, Portugal, July 27-31, 2011


  Bridges Coimbra Poetry Day Program and Poets' Bios

ball  Bridges Pecs  2010
Pecs, Hungary, July 24-28, 2010


My first Bridges conference
 A review of the Art Exhibit in the Journal of the Mathematics and the Arts

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